MAGA political dogs don't hunt (except in Florida)

Gov. Ron DeSantis visited Fort Walton Beach High School Tuesday to announce an expansion of the Purple Star Schools of Distinction program. The program supports military dependent students as they relocate to new schools when their parents are
transferred to a new base. DeSantis announced that 114 Florida schools were receiving this distinction, including 35 in Okaloosa County.
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Mr. DeSantis has won re-election overwhelmingly in Florida. He is to be congratulated. However, the governor, continuing to look through the keyhole of a 2024 presidential campaign, has declared that his victory reshaped the political landscape. Should Mr. DeSantis, Mr. Rubio, et al, open wide the doors behind which they held their victory celebrations and survey the terrain outside Florida, they would see the political dogs they used to hunt votes in Florida did not hunt very well outside the friendly confines of Mr. DeSantis’ fiefdom.  Outside Florida, MAGA did not win, election deniers did not win, culture warriors did not win, anti-science and anti-fact advocates did not win, voter suppression candidates did not win, political crudeness did not win and the anti-democratic Jan. 6 participants and supporters did not win.

Mr. Trump, the godfather of MAGA, now finds himself under siege by even his former state media arm, Fox “news,” for picking loyalist loser candidates whom the larger public holds in disdain. Spoiler alert for Republicans: Everything is always about Mr. Trump. So, the political landscape (at least outside Florida) has not so much changed as finally awakened to the dangers of the MAGA “burn down the house” agenda.

Mr. DeSantis, foreshadowing his propensity to see integrity as dispensable, kissed Mr. Trump’s ring not so long ago in making his own Faustian deal to get himself elected governor of Florida. Because his MAGA wolf in sheep’s clothing approach has been so successful in Florida, he is now seen by Mr. Trump and others as a potential rival to Mr. Trump in 2024. Reinforcing the longstanding adage that there is no honor among thieves or conniving politicians, Mr. DeSantis now finds himself being given the middle finger from the same hand that held the ring he previously kissed and not unexpectedly is being bombarded with accusations of election impropriety and reveal threats by his former mentor. Oddly, Mr. DeSantis has yet to display the same moral and physical courage in responding to Mr. Trump that he mustered in threatening to "toss that elf across the Potomac" in referring to the highly eminent, but diminutive Dr. Fauci.  I don’t think we will see that courage on display any time soon as he is more likely to join the pantheon of Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio and others who have tolerated public humiliation from Mr. Trump at the expense of their personal dignity in hopes of maintaining their political power. It is truly a variation on the biblical adage of "gain the world and lose your soul."

Thomas Minor
Thomas Minor

What does all of this mean to the voters of Florida going forward, having gone all in for MAGA and Mr. Trump and continuing with Mr. DeSantis? Perhaps some introspection is long overdue on the altars at which Florida voters choose to worship. It is instructive for all of us to remember that the devil, metaphorically speaking, always comes to collect.

A retired colonel with the United States Marine Corps, Thomas Minor is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S.  Army War College and the U.S. Naval War College with a  master's degree in national security and strategic studies. He spent 30 years as a Marine infantry officer with the last assignment as head of the Department of Naval Science and instructor of leadership and ethics at the Virginia Military Institute. He is currently employed by General Dynamics as a security contractor for the Department of Homeland Security and is a resident of Bonita Springs.

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: MAGA political dogs don't hunt (except in Florida)