How I Met Your Mother Recaplet: Did Ted Save the Right Relationship? When Does Robin Find Out?

On Monday night’s How I Met Your Mother, one couple took a big step forward – and a giant leap backwards.

After consulting with Marshall and Lily, Ted realizes that Victoria has been dropping hints about their future with talk of a job offer in Denver and wondering if she’ll ever use her wedding dress again. It quickly becomes clear that time didn’t reset on their relationship; it paused six years ago, then resumed. In Victoria’s eyes, they’re much further along than her boyfriend thinks, and so she wants a commitment. But something is holding them back: Robin.

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After Ted finally pops the big question, Victoria quickly accepts – and sets a caveat. “There’s just one thing – you can’t be friends with Robin,” she says.

Victoria makes the demand because she’s worried about Ted’s history with his ex, which she describes as the “deep, dark pit where our relationship goes to die.” And even though the Canuck is currently happy with her squeeze Nick, ruling out any chance of a reconciliation between Ted and Robin, “I’ll always be wondering,” Victoria tells Ted, leaving him with a big choice.

While chatting with Marshall and Lily, he seems willing to let go of Robin for a future with Victoria. Yes, he can’t imagine his life without his friend, “but she’ll never be in love with me,” he says. “She’ll never be my wife. She’ll never be the person that I grow old with. But Victoria could be.”

Robin gets an urgent text from Ted asking her to meet him at the bar, but in a classic HIMYM fake-out, he tells Victoria that Robin is family and he hopes that she can get past that. Unfortunately, she can’t.

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“I really hope you get her some day,” are Victoria’s last words to Ted.

While he makes his pals promise never to tell Robin that he gave up his relationship for her, future Ted reveals that she does find out eventually. We know something goes awry on her wedding day to Barney. Could that be when she learns the truth? Or is it just her — or Ted? — acting on that info for the first time?

HIMYM fans, what did you think of Ted’s choice? Even if it was the right one (take notice, Ross Gellar), are you still hoping that the show doesn’t venture into Robin/Ted territory again? And will you miss Victoria? (Her final scene set to that The Swell Season song was heartbreaking despite the fact we all knew the romance was doomed.) Hit the comments!

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