Apatow Says 'F*ck You' to Jerry Lewis

While accepting the Critics' Choice Award for Best Comedy Film on Thursday night, Bridesmaids producer Judd Apatow skewered legendary funnyman Jerry Lewis, giving him the big old 'F*ck you!"

At the end of his acceptance speech, Apatow remarked, "Jerry Lewis once said that he didn't think women were funny, so I'd just like to say, with all respect, 'F*ck you!'"

While I’m not sure if bashing an 85-year-old onstage at the Critics’ Choice Awards is the most appropriate venue for such remarks -- I can’t say I disagree with the sentiment. In fact, I wholeheartedly agree with it.

Here’s some backstory on Lewis’ sexist statement: During a Q&A session at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen in 1998, the original Nutty Professor told the audience, "I don't like any women comedians" and "A woman doing comedy doesn't offend me but sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it. I think of her as a producing machine that brings babies in the world." Wow. I think the world is still waiting for his "just kidding!" moment.

Why have I never heard this before!? How did I not know that Jerry Lewis was such a sexist?! I wish I could go back in time and unwatch Cinderfella – or at least rename it to Cinder-I-Have-Archaic-Views-on-Women. Either way hearing that one of my childhood comedy idols made such dimwitted remarks is very disappointing. But because I am a such a nice and wonderful person, I’ll give good ole Jer the benefit of the doubt: It’s possible hosting too many telethons melted his brain.

Hey Jerry Lewis, if hours of telethon time didn’t warp your cranium, I have this to say to you: I’m a girl and I’m funny. Yep, that’s right, I think I’m funny. Since being a wee one, I’ve known I’m good at three things: cartwheels, '80s dancing and making people laugh. If you don’t think girls are funny, clearly you have never read my "Say What …?!" column, 'cause this sh*t is sweet, sweet, laugh-a-minute magic. And while you may think women are better at making babies than jokes, trust me you do not want me to bring a flesh bundle into this world because like with every plant I’ve ever owned (okay … two) – I will get distracted by USA's all-weekend marathons of Law & Order: SVU and it will die.

On another note: As someone who has spent the past seven years performing in comedy clubs around Los Angeles, and seen first-hand how insanely hilarious girls are -- I know that Jerry’s sentiments are b*llshit. Don’t get me wrong, not every girl is funny -- there are plenty of female comedians that make me want to stab myself in the eyes and fill my ears with vaseline, but there are hordes of women who delight the stage every time they step foot on it. And I'm glad people are finally acknowledging that fact.

So, congrats to Judd Apatow for recognizing the humor and talent in women today. With successful and funny ladies like Mindy Kaling, Kristen Wiig, Amy Poehler, Melissa McCarthy and Tiny Fey, it’s time for Jerry to leave the jokes to the ladies and the telethons to the men whose minds haven’t faded into their recesses.

And finally: Judd Apatow: Congrats! Jerry Lewis: Eat it.

Much love,
Meg Swertlow, Cartwheel Superstar

*This is for all the hilarious women in comedy I know, who sacrifice daily for the pursuit of funny and constantly amaze me with their talent:. To name a few: Zabeth Russell, Heather Campbell, Karen Graci, Rebecca Leib, Chelsea Coleman, Sarah Mozal, Dawn Hunicutt, Carla Snowdon, Caitlin Muelder, Alisha Gaddis, Kristen Smith, Brandy McKay and Jessie Birschbach.