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  • CelebrityBillboard

    Billy Ray Cyrus Files Emergency Motion Seeking Temporary Restraining Order Against Estranged Wife Firerose Over Credit Card Bill

    The "Achy Breaky Heart" star filed for divorce on May 22, seven months after the couple got married.

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  • BusinessAssociated Press

    The IRS wants to end another major tax loophole for the wealthy and raise $50 billion in the process

    The IRS plans to end a major tax loophole for wealthy taxpayers that could raise more than $50 billion in revenue over the next decade, the U.S. Treasury Department says. The proposed rule and guidance announced Monday includes plans to essentially stop “partnership basis shifting" — a process by which a business or person can move assets among a series of related parties to avoid paying taxes. Biden administration officials said after evaluating the practice that there are no economic grounds

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    This part of the US is at highest risk for a devastating tsunami

    The geological record of the region indicates on average, these mega earthquake and tsunami events happen every 500 years.

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  • EntertainmentVariety

    Morgan Freeman Talks ‘The Gray House,’ Rips Into Black History Month: ‘My History Is American History’

    Morgan Freeman isn’t a fan of Black History Month. “I detest it. The mere idea of it. You are going to give me the shortest month in a year? And you are going to celebrate ‘my’ history?! This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right,” he tells Variety. “My history is American history. …

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  • USAssociated Press

    US aircraft carrier captain playfully counters Houthi's false online claims of hitting his ship

    The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower may be one of the oldest aircraft carriers in the U.S. Navy, but it's still fighting — despite repeated false claims by Yemen's Houthi rebels. The Houthis and social media accounts supporting them repeatedly have falsely claimed they hit or even sank the carrier in the Red Sea. The carrier leads the U.S. response to the rebels' targeting of commercial vessels and warships in the crucial waterway — attacks the Houthis say are aimed at bringing an end to the Israel-H

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  • USBuzzFeed

    "Sorry, I Don't Work For You Anymore." — 17 Stories From Employees Who Got Petty Revenge On Their Awful Bosses

    "We all knew something was going on with him and another employee. Months later, he wouldn't give me three days off because my niece died of SIDS. So I walked out, bought a $30 burner phone, and texted his wife his phone password. They got divorced."

    37510 min read
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  • NewsABC News Videos

    Some states look to eliminate property taxes

    An end to property taxes would help cash-strapped homeowners but some fear that may lead to an increase in sales and income tax.

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