George Clooney Praises Parkland Students in Letter

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Photo credit: Getty

From Esquire

In a letter addressed to the student editors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School newspaper, George Clooney wrote that the students taking a stand on gun control make him "proud" of America again

The Guardian, which ran the letter, is being guest edited by editors of the high school's newspaper, The Eagle Eye. The letter came after editors reached out to politicians and celebrities for their participation in the website takeover, but instead of being interviewed, Clooney sent a note along saying, "Amal and I are 100% behind you and will be marching in DC on the 24th, but we both feel very strongly that this is your march. Your moment. "

The Oscar winner and his wife Amal, who is known for her work as a human rights lawyer, previously donated $500,000 to the March for Our Lives in February. Oprah immediately matched their donation. Their support for the students organizing the March 24 March has been unwavering, further congratulating them, saying, "It’s terrific that you’re editing the Guardian. It’s a stellar newspaper and they must feel honored to be working with you."

The March for Our Lives is expected to draw thousands of students and adults advocating for gun control across the country. Though the centralized march will be in Washington D.C. on Saturday at noon, marches have been organized in hundreds of cities throughout the weekend.

As an editor's note at the top of the letter, co-editors-in-chief Emma Down, Lauren Newman, and Rebecca Schneid wrote, "We hope to use the Guardian’s platform to heighten awareness of the issue of gun control and school safety to such an extent that the federal government can no longer ignore us." Additional interviews with Bernie Sanders and Marco Rubio are included in the takeover, with Rubio saying that Parkland survivors "have done more in five weeks than has been done in 15 years."

Cloonely closes his letter by saying, "Amal and I stand behind you, in support of you, in gratitude to you. You make me proud of my country again."

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