Carly Fiorina Goes Toe-To-Toe With ‘The View’

Carly Fiorina was on The View Friday to take issue with statements made by the daytime personalities about her appearance. The ladies commented that her face looked “demented” and Joy Behar remarked, “I wish it was a Halloween mask.” After Fiorina addressed the remarks during a campaign fundraiser, The View decided to bring her back.

Things got heated during the segment when Fiorina claimed that Planned Parenthood was harvesting the body parts of infants. Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar were quick to counter her statement, imploring the GOP presidential candidate not to say things that weren’t true. After going back and forth on several subjects, they once again argued when the comments made by the ladies of The View was brought up again. Carly claimed that she’d heard it all, but the tone of the entire conversation was noticeably acidic.

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