President’s Fmr. Top Intel General: The President is “wrong” on ISIS Strategy

By Alex Bregman

Retired U.S. Army lieutenant general, Michael Flynn, President Obama’s former Defense Intelligence Agency director, spoke to Yahoo News and Finance Anchor Bianna Golodryga on “Yahoo News Live.” They discussed the expanding ISIS threat in the wake of the Paris attacks and the Obama administration’s strategy against the terrorist group.

On Obama characterizing ISIS as “‘killers with good social media,” Flynn was highly critical of his former boss. He told Golodryga: “I really think that he’s just confused as to what the type of enemy that we’re facing … he really, really has it wrong.” He continued: “The president needs to stop blaming others and really take a hard look at himself and those around him and decide whether or not we’re going to take this threat seriously.”

On Obama’s approach to how he deals with and characterizes ISIS: “I think the president lacks confidence, to be very honest with you.” He continued: “He has to stop frankly the nonsense and this line of thinking that he’s on and come to grips with the reality and face this problem that we’re facing.”

Flynn also urged Obama to change his current strategy against ISIS. He told Golodryga: “This president has to make decisions now instead of arguing with Republicans and the media. He’s going to make decisions now to at least build a strong foundation for whoever is the next president, because the next president of the United States is going to have a huge international security to deal with, and a lot of it is caused by the complacency of the current administration.”

Finally, Flynn gave his take on why Obama refuses to call the terrorist group ISIS: “He doesn’t want to use the term ‘radical Islamist.’” Flynn concluded: “He’s wrong on this.”