Crazy in Love: New Trailer Mashes Up 'Suicide Squad' and 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

The new Fifty Shades Darker trailer just broke The Force Awakens‘ record for most first-day online views. Warner Bros’ superhero team-up saga Suicide Squad recently topped $730 million in global revenue. And now, an intrepid YouTuber has seen fit to mash up Fifty Shades and Squad into one dark, deviant trailer.

Dubbed “Fifty Shades of Joker,” Nerdy Hero’s video recasts Suicide Squad’s romance between Jared Leto’s Clown Prince of Crime and Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn in distinctly Fifty Shades terms — by which we mean, as a perversely sensual courtship between two off-the-wall lovers. Set to the 2015 version of Beyoncé’s “Crazy in Love” and modeled after the original Fifty Shades of Grey trailer, this two-minute clip employs just about every snippet of audio and video involving the Joker and Quinn that was seen in the film’s many promos. Consequently, this compilation winds up featuring just about every moment that Leto actually appears in director David Ayer’s finished film, which has been the subject of considerable post-release debate over its decision to give the Joker relatively short shrift.

Doing its best to correct the lack of sparks generated by Suicide Squad’s Joker–Quinn pairing, Nerdy Hero’s malevolently-paced trailer can be seen above. (And if you want an even deeper dive into kinky spoofs, check out this Frozen/Fifty Shades mashup.) Fifty Shades Darker debuts in theaters on Feb. 10, 2017.

Watch the original ‘Fifty Shades’ trailer: