Michelle Obama praises 'Black Panther,' celebrity Twitter agrees

Michelle Obama doesn’t tweet that often, preferring to save social media for special occasions — like, for example, the opening weekend of Black Panther. The former FLOTUS took a moment on Monday to praise the new Marvel superhero movie, the first in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to feature an African-American actor in the title role and an almost entirely black cast. (That’s a big leap from the first MCU film, 2008’s Iron Man, which had exactly one black actor in a named role — or two, if you count the 20-second post-credits scene.) And Michelle wasn’t the only social-media-savvy celebrity to shower praise on the film, which has a 97 percent “fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes (despite sabotage efforts from certain corners of the internet) and smashed box-office records this weekend. Here’s a roundup of high-profile praise for Black Panther on Twitter and Instagram.

Michelle Obama called the film an inspiration for a new generation of audience members.

Kerry Washington plans to copy Danai Gurira’s best fighting move.

Shaquille O’Neal is cosplaying on Insta as Chadwick Boseman.

Ryan Reynolds pledged his allegiance to Wakanda.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., is thrilled that voter registration drives are taking place at screenings.

Questlove found words inadequate.

Janelle Monae would be an excellent pick for the sequel, and she knows it.

Oprah saw the movie on a date.

Ron Howard made it a family affair.

Serena Williams saw it with the cutest audience.

MC Hammer went in costume, because of course he did.

Chris Pratt is taking notes for Jurassic World 3.

Whoopi Goldberg gave her heartiest, most abbreviation-filled endorsement.

Ice T removed his hat.

Kevin Hart’s kids got to see Black Panther with Black Panther, so they win.

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